Don’t Crash My Drone

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85 solutions from 52 locations were created.

Create an app that will enable small drone operators to know more about specific weather parameters, local terrain and no fly zones within a five-mile radius of their GPS location.


Thousands of small drone owners crash their vehicles due to wind, water, ice, or objects in the air. Often the vehicles are damaged beyond repair. At times, drones have accidentally flown into No-Fly Zones or restricted airspace. Currently small UAS owners can consult their local weather sources and they can visually inspect airspace for objects and air traffic; however, their line of sight may not extend far enough to avoid crashes. Unless they know the FAA rules about restricted airspace, they would not know about restricted areas that may be nearby.


The new application should be developed in an easy to understand format, and could potentially be integrated into the controller systems of a variety of aircraft so the operator will receive warnings before and during flight should the flight parameters of their vehicle be exceeded.

The app should represent current conditions within a five-mile radius of the operator location:

  • Weather parameters of wind speed and direction, gust speed potential, dew point, temperature and visibility.
  • Zoom-capable Imagery of vegetation, buildings, poles and wires, communication towers; bodies of water
  • Known No-Fly Zones or Restricted airspace within a five-mile radius.
Project teams from 52 locations solved Don’t Crash My Drone
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Alicia Beltran 3 years ago
Hi Teams, Im Alicia Beltran from Colombia (#SafeWay) , we were working in the same challenge, and I know that we can keep working on. We will like to share the experience with the others 47 teams. Please let us know if you are interested to. Thanks!
James Powers 3 years ago
Greetings. I was looking for an event evaluation form and happened on this forum. This was a fun and very interesting event as well as an outstanding topic. I am a Small Business Owner concentrating on collision avoidance solutions so this subject could not have been any more suitable for me. It was good meeting (and working with) all of the very interesting, talented, and experienced people at the event. The food was very delicious and the facilities superb. Have a good day everyone.
Regina Sanders 3 years ago
Awesome, needed project!!
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