
THE CHALLENGE: Space Route 66
Journey to Mars

Develop a game or virtual reality experience that allows users to build and explore a futuristic spaceport. Potential utilizations that could be incorporated:

  • Horizontal and vertical launch and landing
  • Suborbital and orbital tourist facilities (hotels, crew training experiences, exploration theme park attractions)
  • On-site spacecraft manufacturing facilities
  • Processing facilities for space resources

earthVDF (Virtual Data Forms) is a prototype system, written using GeoDjango, for creating earth visualizations with a GIS like interface. It was originally created to display 3D models on the Google Earth browser plug-in, but that plug-in is no longer supported. For this challenge, the code was updated and adapted for use with Leaflet, a 2D JavaScript mapping platform.

The hope is that earthVDF will be used for a wide variety of applications including building virtual spaceports on earth and virtual future cities. A variety of interesting experiences can be realized by translating urban plans and space development plans into 3D worlds. Educational modules that give students planning, 3D, and GIS experience are also possible.

The front end module then renders graphics based on the coordinates and keywords in the JSON data. Other interaction such as virtual reality can be provided by the front end module.

Back end code:

Front end code:

Front end URL: - displays red map circles only for the time being

The entire stack used to build earthVDF is completely open source, unlike many other map making and map customization platforms.

Resources Used
Made inEverywhere Planet Earth
from the minds of
How they did it